We’d love to have you be a part of our team!
When adults volunteer, all students benefit! There are many opportunities for parents and community members to get involved! Your help is needed! Complete the Volunteer form and we will be in touch with you.
** Please complete the volunteer application from BSD website **
Make a difference today; volunteer!
Call for volunteers!
These events can't happen without your help!
PTA Nominating Committee: Please help find our leaders for next year! (meeting for Nominating Committee - March 31)
Budget Committee: (April, May, June) - 3 volunteers to help put together the budget for the 2023-2024 school year that the Treasurer will present at the June meeting. Please email treasurer@clydehillpta.org.
Walk-a-thon: (June 2) Sign up to come soon - or email info@clydehillpta.org
Science Fair: (April 27) Please help lead, organize, recruit, setup, present!
School Dance: (May 20) Sign up to come soon - or email info@clydehillpta.org
Fun Day: (June TBD) Sign up to come soon - or email info@clydehillpta.org
Call for submissions: Celebrating our Community: Families - please share with us!
Email info@clydehillpta.org!!
There are many ways to volunteer at the school.
Do you have a special skill or interest - graphic design, party/event planning, photography, skiing, etc. - let us know so we can match you to a need.
Become a room parent - every classroom needs at least one parent volunteer. Let your child's teacher know you are able and interested to volunteer in the classroom, during specialist hours (art, music, library), or on field trips.
Administrative support - help us set up the after school clubs, update the directory, manage spirit wear, etc. (Some of this can be done from home.)
Volunteer for one-time special events. Annual events include: Reflections (art), Trunk-or-Treat, Book Fair, Heritage Festival, Talent Show, School Dance, Science Fair, School Play, Walkathon, and Fun Day.
Volunteer in the lunchroom! Our Vice Principal has requested many volunteers to help during lunch this year. Please see her flyer for more information.
Together, Everyone Achieves More
2022-2023 PTA Executive Committee and Board of Directors
2022-2023 PTA Committee Chairs
SAFETY FIRST: Read all about our protocols and study plans here
OPEN Host a school-wide potluck or playdate for the school.
Shera Myers
OPEN This volunteer works with BSF to inform our parent community of the Foundation's work and investments. They also host our PTA table at the annual fundraiser. Please email us to volunteer.
The Book Fair chair helps our librarian set up, host, and break down the book fair in our school library. Email us to volunteer.
OPEN - We use Directory Spot to create/host an online directory for all of our school families. Please email shera@clydehillpta.org to volunteer.
OPEN This position plans and hosts the 5th-grade end-of-year activities, including the family luncheon and graduation ceremony. Please email us to volunteer.
This position recruits volunteers to assist during the hearing and vision screenings at school. Bilingual parents are always needed. Please email us to volunteer.
Cindy Song is our cultural advisor and will host Heritage Festival, a large community potluck and cultural event. She is looking for co-chairs to help.
OPEN Fun Day takes place in the Spring, and its coordinators host and plan different stations or activities for the kids. Please email us to volunteer.
Stephanie Hsu
OPEN - We are looking for parents to host movie nights at school, throughout the year, as a fun and free community event. Please email us to volunteer.
This parent recruits volunteers to assist during Picture Day.
Jodi Kusak
We are looking for volunteers from each grade level to plan and host playdates (at school or elsewhere) to help the students bond and socialize. Please email shera@clydehillpta.org to volunteer.
Kate Scher Reflections is an annual PTA arts competition in which students, nationwide, participate.
OPEN - The school dance is hosted and planned by a team, anytime during the school year.
OPEN - The science fair is held every spring, in coordination with Science Week. Students conduct and present their experiments during the fair, where all projects can be viewed. Please email us to volunteer.
Our usual vendor is unable to offer a ski bus pick up this year. We are referring families to the Bellevue Council Ski School.
OPEN This position coordinates with a vendor to print and sell school spirit wear every year. This position also helps during Walkathon to obtain shirts for every grade level. Please email us to volunteer.
Staff Appreciation Week is May 1 - 5, 2023. This position will plan events every day of the week for the school staff, with the help of room parents. Please email shera@clydehillpta.org to volunteer.
We would love to bring back the Clyde Hill Talent Show! We need volunteers who are experienced with stage/show production and planning. If you and your team would like to host a talent show, please email us to volunteer.
Michelle Coe Trunk or Treat is hosted in our school parking lot, where families decorate their trunks and kids get to wear their costumes and trick'or'treat at every car. It is SO FUN.
Heidi Robison
We have not had a school play since before the pandemic; we'd love to bring it back to Clyde Hill. Volunteers work with a local production company for auditions, rehearsals, and performances. Please email us to volunteer.