Raise a Paw and Volunteer!
We’d love to have you be a part of our team

** Please also complete the volunteer application from BSD website to start your background check **
When adults volunteer, all students benefit! There are many opportunities for parents and community members to get involved!
In the classroom, community events, communication... Just some of the options are listed below and we need help with every item listed!
Please email us at volunteer@clydehillpta.org.
Make a difference and volunteer!
Classroom support
room parent
specialist support (library, music, art)
class projects
teacher projects
Event Planning
Trunk or Treat
Heritage Festival
Math Challenge
School Dance
Walk a thon
Read a thon
Science Fair
Fun Day
5th grade End of Year
PTA support
Staff Appreciation
Chair a PTA position
parent education
legal advisor
cultural advisor
Room parent coordinator
2024-2025 PTA Executive Committee and Committee Chairs
Please consider volunteering for an open position
Executive Committee
President - Aubrey president@clydehillpta.org
Vice President - Michelle vp@clydehillpta.org
Treasurer - (interim) Michelle treasurer@clydehillpta.org
Secretary - Nina secretary@clydehillpta.org
Committee Chairs
Executive Committee exec@clydehillpta.org
Annual Fund Chair - Jodi annualfund@clydehillpta.org
Membership Chair - Olga membership@clydehillpta.org
Room Parent Coordinator -
Communications Chair -
Curriculum Enhancement Chair -
Parent Education Chair -
CHE Staff Liasons -