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                                                        Friday, May 31, 2024


The Walk-A-Thon is Clyde Hill Elementary's last fundraiser of the year!  We use funds raised from this event to help pay for classroom software, support staff, field trips and much more. 


We will need volunteers to help lead, organize, recruit, setup/take down, and count laps!  Please sign up to help!

Help us reach our goal of $40,000!  Donate here!

Let’s make tracks while raising money and building our community!

Why do we Walk-A-Thon?

  • Because it is FUN! Students, staff and families have a chance to get together for the good of our school!

  • This is the last chance to fundraise for the PTA Annual Fund so we can continue to provide classroom aides and programs not fully funded by the district or state.

  • The Envelope Drive in the fall is our anchor fundraising event; student and family participation is always great! But we have a long way to go to meet our budget needs for the 2024-25 school year.

  • Our school's student population increased by 40% which has increased our fundraising needs!

    • Our dollars will need to stretch further to ensure every child at our school receives a quality education and is able to enjoy all of the elementary curriculum enhancement experiences! 

  • Spirit Week takes place the week of the Walk-A-Thon!

    • Monday, May 27: (Holiday/No School)

    • Tues, May 28: Pajama/Comfy Day

    • Wed, May 29: School Colors Day, or wear blue!

    • Thurs, May 30: Game Day! Wear your favorite sports team or colors!

    • Fri, May 31:  Walk-a-Thon Day!  Wear your Walk-a-Thon shirt, and any fun socks, headband, or hat you’d like!  

How do we raise money?

  • Every student is asked to set a fundraising goal of $100.

    • We will collect donations via our 99pledges website.  Enter your student's name and get started!

  • Donations are not tied to laps walked – they are flat donations prior to event in support of the student/school.

  • If a family donates $1,000 or more, before matching, you will receive a personalized paver located at the front of the school! (engraved summer 2024)

Quick Facts:

  • Every student will receive a Walk-A-Thon t-shirt to wear at the event.

  • All students can participate as the event will take place during the school day.

  • Students will be dismissed for the day at the normal time.

                             Day-of-Event Timing:

What:     Walk-A-Thon!

When:   Friday, May 31, 2024

Where: Clyde Hill Elementary Field

Times: 10:45am - Volunteers Arrive/Set up

11:35 - Preschool spectators can arrive

11:45-Noon - Preschoolers walk!

12:20pm - K-2nd spectators can arrive

12:30-12:55 - k-2nd grade students walking!

1:10pm - 3rd-5th spectators can arrive

1:20-1:50pm - 3rd-5th grade students walking!

1:55 - Cleanup begins!

2:30 - Students dismissed from classes 
YOU!:   This event is only possible with enough volunteers. Please sign up to help with this very fun event! 

Gold Sponsors

High-Res MN Logo - Black, House, Large Text.png

Silver Sponsors

Final EWC Logo.jpg

Thank you to our 2024 Sponsors!

Gold Sponsors

High-Res MN Logo - Black, House, Large Text.png

Silver Sponsors

Final EWC Logo.jpg

Что: Сбор средств Walkathon 2022 – наше ежегодное мероприятие по сбору средств включает в себя бег/прогулку по обозначенному маршруту. Интересный способ объединить наш дух сообщества.

Когда: 13 мая, 14:30–17:00.

Где: Начальная школа Клайд-Хилл — футбольное поле и крытая игровая площадка 


Учащиеся начальной школы Clyde Hill имеют возможность принять участие в Walkathon 2022 года.

Могут ли родители добровольно помочь с Walkathon? 


Да, да, да! Нам действительно нужны все руки на палубе. Мы просим каждую семью серьезно подумать о том, чтобы записаться на одну волонтерскую смену. Стань частью веселья! Так же, как и тема нашей прогулки — «Вместе лучше» — это мероприятие пройдет гладко только в том случае, если у нас будет достаточно волонтеров. Ссылка для регистрации в пакете Walkathon.

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2021-2022 Председатель Walk-a-thon: Лизи Пьяцца

© 2021 Clyde Hill Elementary PTA.

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9601 СВ 24-я СТ

Клайд Хилл, Вашингтон, 98004


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