Math Challenge 2023
Welcome to the Math Challenge
Congratulations to all students for showing us their math muscles and growth mindset during the 2023 Math Challenge!
February winners: Kindergarten and 3rd grade
March winners: 2nd and 4th grades
April winners: 1st and 3rd grades
May winners: To be determined!
The winners each month earned math/brain puzzles for their classes!

Welcome to the Clyde Hill Math Challenge! We are so excited to bring back our academic Challenges! We believe math is for everyone! No one is born "bad" at math - we all have different learning styles and obstacles to overcome. But, with motivation and practice, we can all build a good math foundation that will help us with many life skills. Cooking, art, music, gaming, budgeting, construction, boating, and sports all benefit from mathematical foundations. Just like you do drills in soccer to build your foundational soccer muscles, we encourage math practice to build your math muscles!
Also, just like with your favorite sport or music or art, practice and drills can be fun! These Math Challenges are designed to show the many ways puzzles and games use and reinforce math concepts. We love math and want to share our excitement with you! If there are other challenges you want to see in the future - please let us know!
Also - if you would like the challenge translated, please email us at
The May submission will open May 8 and is due by Friday May 26th!
How does the Math Challenge work?
Every month we will post 6 math challenges that focus on different skills. You can do as many or as few as you like. Even if you don't find the solution - that's ok! Our growth mindset lets us try our best and improve in steps. Trying is our first step! Our goal is to encourage participation, learn and have fun! At the end of each month, during the monthly assembly, we will announce the class that has the most participants that month. At the end of the year, the grade that participated the most during the school year will have a special prize!
How do I participate?
We post the challenges below and email them out in the PTA newsletter. You may also pick up printed copies from the front office.
You have two ways of submitting your entry. Please submit your May entry by Friday, May 26!
You may scan your entry and email it to
You may drop your entry off at a mailbox in the front office
You entry must contain:
Your name, grade and teacher (We need to know who you are!)
Your work on at least one of the challenges. (To participate, you only have to try!)
We will post the solutions after the announcement at the monthly assembly!
Feb 2023 Math Challenge
Feb 2023 Math Challenge Solutions
Also - if you would like the challenge translated, please email us at